You have access to 4 templates:
- Basic
- Moiron Vignette
- Moiron
- Élémentaire
One is available on request: Application.
Discover the templates.
How do I choose a variant?
When you choose a template, a list of templates and their variants appears.
A variant will appear as follows: template / variant
All you have to do is choose the one you want.
What variants?
Each template gives you access to different variants:
This variant will not contain audio and allows you to display text. This can be particularly useful if you want to create a page dedicated to credits, for example.
Rather than jumping from one sequence to another, all the sequences are grouped together on a single page in the form of a list.
This variant gives you access to a slightly different presentation of the elementaire template, in particular with the graphic appearance of the buttons.
Correspondence template - variant
Template | Infos | Liste | Elementaire-bis |
Basic | X |
Moiron Vignette | X |
X |
Moiron | X |
X |
Moiron Vignette | X |
X |
X |
If you have special requirements and would like to add other elements to your audio guides, such as games, it’s possible.
Discover all the possibilities, or contact us directement.